
Frankrike: en rasistisk farse

Den statlige rasismen når nye høyder

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"The French .. turn into a farce as police officers armed with pepper spray and batons marched onto a beach today and ordered a woman to strip off. The woman is .. ordered to remove the blue garment. Most of the other people on the beach .. were wearing trunks or bikinis." Not so Nice, Den franske riviera, 23. august 2016
1. juli 1946 gjennomførte USA de første prøvesprengningene av atomvåp
en i fredstid i Bikini-atollen i Stillehavet. Fem dager seinere lanserte bilingeniør og designer Louis Réard "bikinien". Oppstyr i overbygninga. Eufemisme-makeri på høyt nivå. Høyt som en atomsopp. Og bedre ble det sjølsagt ikke da denne låta kom. 
"At a time when bikini bathing suits were still seen as too risqué to be mainstream, the song prompted a sudden take off in bikini sales and is credited as being one of the earliest contributors to the acceptance of the bikini in society." (Wikipedia)
Jeg vokste opp med den låta. Jeg har inntrykk av at den var på Ønskekonserten på radio hver mandag i absolutt alle barndommens år. Rart jeg ikke er mer hjernevaska enn jeg sikkert ennå er. På tide med en tekstrevidering! På tide å oppkalle badetøyet her i Vesten etter noe annet enn USAs FORBRYTELSER MOT MENNESKEHETEN.

They were afraid to come out of their houses
They were as nervous as they could be
They were afraid to come out of their houses
They were afraid as we all should be

Two three four
All the people on the shore

It was an Itsy Bitsy Nuclear Potion Yellow Polka Dot Explosion
that they saw for the first time that day
An Itsy Bitsy Nuclear Potion Yellow Polka Dot Explosion
And in their houses they wanted to stay

Yes USA is a planet destroyer
Yes USA is a foe to us all
Yes USA is a planet destroyer
I wish they went away once and for all

Two three four
Soon they'll come and bomb some more

It'll be an Itsy Bitsy Nuclear Potion Yellow Polka Dot Explosion
And we'll see no more that day
An Itsy Bitsy Nuclear Potion Yellow Polka Dot Explosion
And then the water will wash us away


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