
How We deal with an anti-diversity terrorist

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Friday the 22nd of July in the afternoon, the centre of Oslo exploded. The first few hours we had no information about the perpetrator. Many feared that whoever committed this atrocity might be a terrorist - an Islamist. The bombing itself was terrifying, the uncertainty added to our fears. What next? What now? Then came the second shock, reports were coming in from the Labour Party’s summer camp for young aspiring politicians.

It soon became clear that the ruthless killer who gunned down 68 young people was a white, native Norwegian; a right wing extremist whose goal was to eradicate the multicultural society, and specifically the Labour Party and its politics. His motivation was political.

This was an attack directed at the Norwegian democracy, freedom of expression, multiculturalism, an attack at an open and liberal society. In a manifest running up to 1500 pages he explains his theories in detail. It is a horrifying document. He declare war against “Muslim invasion” and claims that all who stand for diversity and tolerance, religious as well as ethnic, are traitors and deserve to be killed.

In the days after the attacks Norway has shown a remarkable calm, there have been no cries of revenge or retaliation. At the same time it is vital that we as a society combat the racism we have experienced over the past years. Anti- Muslim sentiments are rampant in certain parts of our population. On Facebook, internet forums and in blogs we have seen countless examples of xenophobia, specifically targeting Muslims. We have seen accusations claiming that Islam is taking over Europe, undermining the democracy and being a threat to our way of life.

In the aftermath we have seen manifestations all over our country. Last Monday 200.000 people from all backgrounds gathered in the centre of Oslo honouring the dead and wounded, but also defending our society and all that it stands for. The march of roses as it was named showed a unity and a determination to preserve our political system, our democracy and the freedom of expression. The response is not more police, more control, less tolerance and higher walls in every sense of the word. Our answer is the opposite; more diversity, more tolerance, more democracy!

(Innlegget er et sammendrag av Minotenks respons til henvendelser fra utenlandske medier)

Mer fra: Kultur