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Ja, da har vi også sendt e-post til Stephen Garton ved universitetet i Sydney for å protestere mot kneblingen av Tim Anderson, forfatter av boka "The dirty war on Syria". Her er e-postadressa til Garton:

The University of Sidney

Att: Provost Stephen GartonSidney

NSW 2006


I protest against the suspension of Tim Anderson from his position as Senior Lecturer at the University of Sydney and not being allowed to enter the university. It is not only an attack on Tim Anderson but on academic freedom as well.

Tim Anderson´s voice is very important. He has dared to oppose the dirty wars in Syria, Iraq and Gaza. His well-documented book “The Dirty War on Syria” is an eye-opener and has been translated to several languages.

I thus completely agree with his colleagues, who have written:

“The suspension of Dr Tim Anderson pending the termination of his employment is an unacceptable act of censorship and a body-blow to academic freedom at the University of Sydney.”

Ola Bog


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